New to the Acres U.S.A. Bookstore in 2022

We’ve added a number of great new titles to the Acres U.S.A. Bookstore this year. Learn about organic dairies, soil health, mushroom foraging, and even more with these interesting new books. Here are several to get you started:

Organic Dairy Farming by Jody Padgham

Written for the transitioning and new organic farmer, Organic Dairy Farming brings together for the first time in a single volume the information to explain everything from organic soil management, calf care and mastitis control to the certification process and marketing for the organic premium.

Combining up-to-date advice from 20 experts in a variety of fields, it presents organic concepts and practices in a readable form. Learn more here!

The Complete Guide to Restoring Your Soil by Dale Strickler

Dale Strickler is an expert on building healthy soil and restoring degraded soil, and in The Complete Guide to Restoring Your Soil, he presents the science of soil, along with proven methods of restoring depleted soil and agricultural practices from around the world that continue to build soil, rather than cause it to deteriorate. Learn more here!

How to Forage for Mushrooms Without Dying by Frank Hyman

This book is for anyone who walks in the woods and would like to learn how to identify just the 29 edible mushrooms they’re likely to come across. In it, Hyman offers his expert mushroom foraging advice, distilling down the most important information for the reader in colorful, folksy language that’s easy to remember when in the field.

With Frank Hyman’s expert advice and easy-to-follow guidelines, readers will be confident in identifying which mushrooms they can safely eat and which ones they should definitely avoid. Learn more here!

Mistletoe and the Emerging Future of Integrative Oncology by Dr. Nasha Winters

New from Eco-Ag Conference speaker Dr. Nasha Winters! If you weren’t able to get your copy at the Eco-Ag Conference this past December, now’s your chance!

Mistletoe therapy has long been considered a viable treatment for cancer by the European medical community and is beginning to gain recognition in North America, as well.

The book was structured following the syllabus for a three-day practitioner training hosted by the Physicians’ Association for Anthroposophic Medicine (PAAM). The chapters highlight several of our key lectures in a condensed form. The book serves as an introductory summary of―not a replacement for―those intensive professional trainings. Learn more here!

Malabar Farm by Anneliese Abbott

Frequent readers and subscribers to Acres U.S.A. magazine and will recognize Anneliese Abbott’s name from her many informative articles.

Anneliese Abbott tells the story of Malabar Farm within the context of the wider histories of soil conservation and other environmental movements, especially the Ohio-based organization Friends of the Land. As one of the few surviving landmarks of this movement, which became an Ohio state park in 1976, Malabar Farm provides an intriguing case study of how soil conservation began, how it was marginalized during the 1950s, and how it now continues to influence the modern idea of sustainable agriculture. Learn more here!

And there’s more!

These are just a quick sample of the over 20 new books we have in stock for 2022. Head over to our New Titles collection at the online bookstore to browse the new books and find your next read!

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